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89 years and still going strong! Granddad needs a card, let’s do it!
The Crafter After Show link:
Card Base: Vertical Card Base 4 1/4” x 11”
• Strip that is same color as card base 1” x 11”
• Mats for card base(I...
Do the work ONE time, get THREE times the results. Although it’s too fun to just do it ONCE!
So gather up your basket of supplies at let’s create!
The Crafter After Show link~~
All the cards tonight were A2~ 4.25 x 5.5
From 4 tiny scraps we can make the cutest bunnies for cards, bunting, decor and anything you want to put a bunny on!
GIVEAWAY~~ Make your version of today’s cut bunny and post it on the Customer Gallery
Friends!!! Have you gone crazy for the paper holders?? I know I have !!!
And tonight it’s going to get even more fun! Maymay gives us a 12×12 and 8×8 versions….
so gather up those supplies and let’s create!
Link the the first video:
This may be the third best thing I have ever made from cardstock!
A2 Portrait Paper Holder
(1) piece of cardstock cut to 8 1/2″ x 11″
score on the 11″ side at 2 1/4″ ~~ 3 1/4″ ~~ 7 3/4″ ~~ 8 3/4″
score on the ...
Are you looking for an easy way to store those smaller paper pads…. the scraps and ephemera?
Tonight Maymay creates the perfect storage solution for all those 6×6 and 6×8 paper collections!!
So gather those supplies and let’s create…STORAGE!!!
6″ x 6″ Paper Holder
You will start...
So many of use have a hate/ love relationship with our trimmer….
Maymay addresses your most common complaints and gives us some great tips!
Get to know your trimmer
Use the extending are for those longer measurements
Use the stop bar for a better...