Hey Guys!  The classes we talked about yesterday are now available for purchase.

These are online classes, you get a kit shipped to your and we will be teaching the classes on October 15th and 16th.

The videos are available for you to watch when we go live or anytime after if you would like to watch them later than we have them scheduled.

You will need to supply the items listed in the Make It Kit on the website, these are things like trimmers, scissors, scoreboards, etc.

There are not many, we just had a few bundles we could break out but for those that have been wanting to take one or two classes this is your chance.

Click here! https://www.maymayevents.com

You will receive an email about how to attend the class after your purchase, it will have your. class link and all info you will need inside.


Shipping is not included in the purchase price. Grab your class kit now!