We are excited to have our first Craftique in three years!

This is our biggest clearance sale we ever do!


THIS SALE WILL BE ON THE MAYMAY MADE IT PAGE (not the facebook group) https://www.facebook.com/maymaymadeityall

This sale is unlike any other we do, therefore we need your information for shipping in a different way than we usually do.

This is the link to our Postable, that is where you can give us your name, email and mailing address. In this sale, we use this info to invoice you after the sale.
To make a purchase, you will need to register at this link: https://bit.ly/3KMLkCg

You do have to register before you can claim an item. Please take a moment and do this before the sale. It is free and we do not share your info ever with anyone!

***NOTE: You will need to register even if you have registered before. We are starting fresh!